This is not a recipe post , but a post about an equipment that helps us make awesome chutneys. When i posted an over excited picture of the Stone grinder i got such awesome responses of what chutneys they love to make on it to how to start using it. I thought i should write a post for enthusiastic people like me.
So i have been wanting to buy a stone grinder for a long time, but kept pushing for some reason or other. But like they is it is all history. I got it home !!
Step 1: Is to think of a place to put the stone grinder. I put it next to my wash basin as i feel it will be easy to clean. The stone is heavy and cannot be easily moved around. Also we must keep in mind that if not regularly moved and cleaned under there might be some unwanted centipede visitors.
Step 2 is to clean the stone, the curing process can be done in many ways. The guy who sold it to me asked me to grind sand for 2 to 3 times and wash off.
My Maid says we should grind soaked rice and throw that off, it will help clean the stone. I trust her because of all her experience with the stone grinder / Sil batta or Gudu Kallu as she calls it.
A good friend suggested that use this to grid all kitchen waste for 4 days and then the stone is good to use. If not all kitchen waste, at least potato peel.
Day 1 : Curing process starts with grinding Sand first. I ran the sand over it for about 15 minutes.
Day 2: Kitchen waste, i used fresh cucumber peels and ran it over for 10 minutes.
Day 3: Used Carrot peel and coriander stem.
Day 4: Soaked rice, soak a handful of rice and grind it on the flat stone using the cylindrical stone.
<Do not have a picture of it>
Step 3 Make a chutney of your choice and use this whenever you can. A few most popular chutneys on the Stone grinder are
- Coriander Chutney
- Onion Chutney
- Garlic Chutney
- Tomato Chutney